Team News
Final Team Selection - Novice B 2017-08-26
Thank to everyone for trying out this year. There was no shortage of skill, effort, passion and love for the game in what I observed fin the past week of tryouts. I'm very impressed with the talent level I saw and selecting a final roster was not easy. 
The following players have earned a spot on the 2017-2018 Novice B Competitive Team:
2, 9, 10, 17, 41, 44, 50, 65, 79, 97, 129, 132, 153, 160, 164, 319, 445
First Practice and Important Information:
  1. Contact Information - Please email me your contact information right away please!  Please send to  Include all the necessary info and various contact numbers you'd like me to use for the season. I will set up a Team Snap account and add you all in there for the season.
  2. FIRST Practice - Sunday, August 27th - Nepean Sportsplex 3 - 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM. I would like everyone dressed and read 10 minutes before, so I can go over what we'll be doing at practice. 
  3. Parent Meeting - Sunday, August 27th - Walter Baker Sports Centre - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM upstairs, room 202 beside the hockey office. It is mandatory that at least one parent attend from each family. This one is for parents only. We'll have a player meeting later during the week. 
  4. BOOK HOTEL for our first tournament! We need to have everyone book their rooms by Aug. 30th for our first tournament on Sept 15th. Once I get your email, I send you the booking links. 
Congratulations to all the players! This is going to be a great and fun year!